Placing an Order

Learn how to place an order

How to place an order?

So you want to place an order at Yihan Brönn Casual? Placing an order is very simple.

Let’s briefly go through the process.

Once you find the product you love, click the add to cart button.
When you are done adding items to your cart, click the cart button.
Check your cart for potential errors, and click continue to checkout.
Fill in your name, email, address, city etc.. We only use this info to ship your order
Click continue to payment, select your payment method and follow the instructions.


Your order will be prepared for shipment as soon as possible. Most orders arrive within 2 weeks.

Can I change my order?

We ship very fast, so if you want to change your order, please contact us as soon as possible with your request.

If we’ve already shipped your order, and you want to add an item to your order, you can just place a new one.

If we’ve already shipped and you want to remove an item from your order, you can always return it for an exchange or refund.

Cancel my order

If you want to cancel your order, please get in touch with us as soon as possible. That way we can still try to stop the order before it is shipped.

If we’ve already shipped, you can always return the order for an exchange or refund no questions asked.

Didn’t receive order confirmation?

If you didn’t receive an order confirmation email within 60 min. after you’ve placed your order, please check if it did not end up in your spam folder or Google Promotions tab. Although it shouldn’t, it still does happen from time to time. If you still can’t find it even in your spam folder, and it has been more than an hour since you placed your order, please contact us.

Please include your full name and the items you bought, so we can search for your order and see if all is ok. Usually it is a matter of a typo in the e-mail address or a similar issue, in which case we will fix it and send you an order confirmation immediately.

Accidentally ordered twice?

If you’ve accidentally placed 2 identical orders, ordered an item twice by mistake, or have any other changes to your order before it is shipped, please contact us immediately.

Do you sell B2B / wholesale?

Yes we do, please contact us for a price list.

Can I order by phone or email?

If you are comfortable sharing your personal information over the phone, we will also be very happy to make the order for you by phone.

You can call Monday to Saturday from 9:00-18:00

Telephone: 0848200048

NEED MORE INFORMATION? See our Payment Methods FAQ